Friends of the Attawapiskat River
The Friends of the Attawapiskat River (the Friends’) is an Indigenous, grassroots advocacy group. We are community members from Attawapiskat, Peawanuck, Kashechewan, Fort Albany, Neskantaga and Moose Factory in Treaty 9 territory. We share concerns about the water, lands, and wildlife. Each of us and our families not only live near the Attawapiskat River, but have personally experienced the impact of unsafe water on our health, the environment and our traditional lands.
We work to bring awareness to the people, who still travel and live on our waterways, about the proposed ‘Ring of Fire’ mining development that would forever contaminate our lands and destroy the muskeg (peatlands) – one of the last remaining intact peatlands in the world.
Together, we are working to amplify the voice of the Indigenous grassroots before government, industry and decision-makers so that rights to know, participate, and conserve the environment are respected and upheld.
Thank you to our supporters